Come è organizzato Lesercito persiano?
L’ esercito persiano era composto principalmente da fanteria leggera, che, nelle immense pianure dell’ Asia, combatteva sempre con il supporto della cavalleria. Alle Termopili, la cavalleria non può essere impiegata, vista la geografia del luogo e comunque non ha ancora avuto modo di sbarcare.
Come fu organizzata l’amministrazione del regno persiano?
Il re era venerato come un dio ed era chiamato Re dei Re. Egli esercitava il potere legislativo e quello esecutivo per mezzo di: un primo ministro, detto Gran Visir; un consiglio composto da 7 membri, scelti tra persiani e persone degne di assoluta fiducia.
What are the Xerxes according to Herodotus?
XERXES ACCORDING TO HERODOTUS Bad advisors. The young king inherited a solid empire, which was greater than any before in history. Subsequent events come under the curse of the great war of the years 480 and 479, which Herodotus describes as an immense struggle and to which he devotes a third of his work.
What does Herodotus say about the Persian hyparchs?
For Thrace and the Hellespont in general, Herodotus holds that the Persian hyparchs were ousted by the Greeks (7.106.2). There are two episodes in which he emphasizes the heroism of certain Persian noblemen. Mascemes, the commander of Doriscus, could not be compelled to surrender, and therefore Xerxes sent him a yearly present to honor him (7.106).
Why did Xerxes have the helmsman decapitated?
Xerxes first presented the helmsman with a golden wreath for having saved him, but later had him decapitated, because the return journey had cost so many Persians their lives (8.118). Herodotus rejects this story, assuming that Xerxes would rather have had the Phoenician oarsmen jump into the sea than the Persian retinue (8.119).
Why did Xerxes send Artabanus back to Susa?
The latter for a while occupied the place of Artabanus, who had been sent back to Susa with the royal scepter, to look after the household and rulership of the Great King. Demaratus expressly pointed out the power of the Greeks, whereupon Xerxes merely responded with a smile (7.105.1).